Rommel Talavera Pascual


I've been surfing the Internet since June 1994 and after gigabytes of downloads and tons of e-mail I'm still very much into it. To me, it's a worthwhile past time to exchange short notes with friends and relatives across continents.

Now, to get started with this personal page without having to make it look like a resume :

Jeanne and I were born in Baguio City, Philippines and are graduates of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering - 1984. We got married on September 1986 and migrated to Australia in March 1992. We got two kids, Celine and Jessica.

I'm an OS/2 convert, although I never liked Windows to start with. I've been using OS/2 from version 2.1 but I've only developed a keen interest when WARP was introduced on October 1994. I got my copy as soon as it hit the Australian market. Now, I keep myself abreast through the OS/2 Newsgroups.

If you're a subscriber to Triode and would like to "connect" using WARP's Internet Access, you may want to get my Dial-Up REXX Script. This program allows you to dial the telephone numbers of Triode, in the order of your choice. It does not require any settings in the "Dial Other Internet Provider" icon.

Saint Louis University - Alumni Registry

Are you an alumni of Saint Louis University? Then you should support the alumni registry by adding your name to it. Just point your browser to the Saint Louis University - Baguio City Alumni Registry and register your whereabouts.

Pretty Good Privacy

Who says that the Internet is not safe? :-) ... Well if you're paranoid. And what you want to tell me is absolutely a Top Secret, you may want to use my PGP key to encrypt the message. This assumes of course, that, like everyone who is in the Internet, you also know how to install a PGP program to work in your computer :-)
Written by: Rommel Talavera Pascual